You saw it here first

Once again, Cork City proves itself to be ahead of the rest of the world in all things cultural.

Way back at the start of the blog (almost exactly a year ago) I posted this picture of a knitted sock monster thing on the South Mall.

Well I passed it again yesterday and it is still there but it is not much more than crumpled lump of wool at the bottom of the post.

But this week, the BBC’s Oddbox features Yarn Bombing in Canada (number 7 in the list of 10 if you watch the video).  What can I say?  Where Cork goes, others follow.

So to the Cork Yarn Bombers – whoever you are (no-one I know came forward, though I still suspect the Cork Textile Network) – let’s have more of it and show these Canadians!

PS: A quick google uncovers a whole underground movement which is obviously only just making it into the media.

PPS: Cork Textile Network opened their annual exhibition in the School of Music on Monday called ‘The Long Note’.  I had the pleasure of doing their publicity shots on Monday.  Excellent work as usual, it is well worth a look if you’re passing good luck to all the members of the Network.

Invasion of the Lamp Post Sock Monsters

I noticed this ‘thing’ on the crossing of the South Mall by Parliament Bridge a few weeks ago.  I found it amazing.  I suspect that the great majority of people pass by and don’t even notice it but on closer inspection it is a truely wonderful creation.  What’s more it must have been sewn on to the traffic light post since there’s no other way that it could have been attached.

Who is responsible?
Who is responsible?

Now I know a professional photographer should always have his camera with him but sometimes one just wants to do a bit of shopping so it took me a week or so to get back into town with my camera which is a shame because orginally it had an eye.

Sometime camera phones are useful!
Sometimes camera phones are useful!

I think this is great.  Hat’s off to the Secret Knitter who ‘posted’ this one and may there be a few more entertaining pieces of street art appearing around Cork City.

I’m left with the vision of someone stitching on the South Mall in the middle of the night with a few taxi drivers driving past wondering what on earth is going on!