Springing Back

After what has proven to be a number of false-dawns, I’m back on the blog and determined (this time) to generate some interesting and useful content.

A Promise of New Growth

Many people have commented on seeing my work in a particular local press publication (and an associated magazine).  Although that gig was fun while it lasted, that relationship has run its course and I’m now able to focus my efforts back to my core business.

It was a good experience on a number of fronts:

  • I had the pleasure of shooting profile pictures of a wide variety of interesting and entertaining people – photographing ‘normal’ adults for profiles is quite a different experience to chasing kids around a park and you just can’t do enough of it.  Especially when you have limited time and resources and have to think on your feet.  You learn something about them, about yourself and about they way you work every time.
  • I was reminded of why I went to work for myself and the good and the bad of doing so.
  • It also served to remind me of my core values in business and how they separate me from others.  I firmly believe that a business differenitates itself by how it behaves much more than what it produces and the key to success is to do the right thing by people and walk the talk.

So I need to make a public apology to everyone who didn’t get as much of my time and attention over the last six months due to the distraction of The Press.  I vow to re-focus my efforts on doing that I do best: looking after people and their memories.

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